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1,000 livestock vaccinated in Terekeka

Author: Elshiekh Chol Ajeing | Published: Monday, July 1, 2024

Livestock vaccination campaign. (FAO picture).

Central Equatorial state government and international health partners have vaccinated 1,000 heads of cattle and domestic pets against animal-borne zoonotic diseases in Terekeka County.

The three-day initiative launched on Friday between the state’s Ministry of Livestock, Fishery, Environment and Forestry, and the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA), under the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ended on Sunday.

The project is an international effort that was launched in February 2014 by a group of 44 countries and organizations including the World Health organization.

This aimed at the prevention and control of transmission of animal diseases to humans.

Speaking at the launch on Friday, Central Equatoria State Health Minister, Najwa Mursal, said safeguarding human health is the top priority of the vaccination campaigns.

“The World Health Organization’s approach is that human is the top priority. So the main goal in this life is human being to be healthy with no any diseases,” she said, according to SSBC.

“Second priority is animals, and we are not only talking about cattle but all domestic animals including cows, goats, dogs and all types.”

Dr. Rafas Bujo, who represented the implementing partners, emphasized the need for the government and international partners to work together to create a healthy environment.

“For human being to be healthy, we cannot work alone. The ministry of animal resources, ministry of agriculture and ministry of health, we have to work together, so that we make sure that our animals are healthy, human is healthy and the environment is healthy.”

Meanwhile, Terekeka County commissioner George Wani applauded the government and international partners for starting animal vaccination campaigns in the area.

“To be very short about this vaccination, the first county they have selected is Terekeka county, so I’m saying congratulation to our three miniseries, this is the time we want to compensate Terekeka county,” he said.

After Terekeka, the same initiative will be rolled out to other parts of Central Equatoria State.

In February 2014, a group of 44 countries and organizations including WHO launched a five-year multilateral effort with the purpose to accelerate the international health regulations, particularly in developing countries to prevent and control animal to human diseases.




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