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3 killed amid artillery shelling on MSF-run hospital in Omdurman

Author: Chany Ninrew | Published: Thursday, June 20, 2024

Fighting in Sudan broke out a year ago (© -)

An international medical group said three people were killed and 27 others injured in Al Nao hospital in Omdurman on Wednesday, amid heavy shelling in the Sudanese capital.

Doctors Without Borders, known by its French acronyms MSF, said Al Nao Hospital is the largest functioning public hospital remaining in Omdurman equipped to handle increasing number of war-wounded patients.

MSF added the facility receives a high number of emergency medical cases and war-wounded each day.

“This is not the first time Al Nao hospital has been impacted by indiscriminate violence,” the aid group said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

It added that a shell hit the hospital’s emergency department in October 2023, killing two patient caretakers, and injuring five people.

“Attacks on healthcare facilities should be unthinkable, but they’re something we’re seeing far too frequently in Sudan. This must stop now!”

The Sudan war erupted in April 15, 2023, between powerful military commanders, current junta leader General Abdal Fattah Al Burhan, and RSF’s General Mohamed Hamdan Daglo, following a longstanding rivalry.

In the besieged El Fasher, MSF recently described the situation as catastrophic due to intense fighting as the city has been under constant shelling since the war started in May.

On June 9, Sudan’s Ministry of Health closed South Hospital in El Fasher, after the paramilitary soldiers stormed the facility, opening fire and looting equipment including an ambulance.

MSF, which runs South Hospital, said the facility was the main referral hospital for treating war-wounded in Al Fasher, and the only one equipped to manage mass casualties.

The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor Kareem Khan said he is seeking evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region.

Mr. Khan has appealed to witnesses to send evidence to aid an urgent investigation opened by his office on credible allegations of ethnically motivated attacks against the civilian population, widespread use of rape and attacks against hospitals.


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