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Parliament calls for community policing to end cattle-related conflict

Author: Obaj Okuj | Published: Thursday, May 30, 2024

Spokesperson of Parliament, Hon. Oliver Mori Benjamin - Credit: Obaj Okuj/Eye Radio April 22 , 2024

The National Legislative Assembly issued several resolutions, including setting up community policing, during a sitting on Wednesday, to address recurrent incidents of cattle raiding and child abduction among others in the country.

The resolutions were reached following a debate on the recent attack on cattle-keeping communities in Kauto Payam of Kapoeta East County in Eastern Equatoria State.

The violence, blamed on armed youth from Greater Pibor Administrative Area, led to the killing of dozens of civilians, abduction of unspecified number of women and children, and the raiding of hundreds of cattle.

A national lawmaker representing the affected constituency, raised a motion concerning the violence in late April 2024.

In his presentation before the assembly, Hon. Angelo Lokinga urged the executive wing of the government to introduce a bill criminating cattle raiding and child abduction.

He suggested that the bill includes a mechanism to tackle the vices.

Lawmaker Lokinga also recommended the establishment of mobile networks and media infrastructure to mitigate conflicts related to cattle raiding or inter-communal conflicts.

After extensive debate, the Parliament condemned the attack and called for the immediate return of the abducted children and stolen cattle.

They recommended for the establishment of community policing in the affected areas to enhance the tracking and arrest of raiders.

Another recommendation called for peace conferences targeting communities that are involved in cattle-related conflicts across the country to address the root causes.

“The Parliament therefore, resolved the return of the abducted children and the cattle, need to set up community policing in the areas so that they can trace these raiders in the various location,” said parliament spokesperson, Oliver Mori.

“It was also recommended that there is need to have conferences for the cattle raiding communities and this is not only referred to the Murle, but to all cattle raiding communities in the Republic of South Sudan.”

The parliament resolved to forward the recommendations and resolutions to the Council of Ministers for immediate implementation.

Hon. Mori said the resolution underscores the need for proactive measures to address the underlying socio-economic and cultural factors contributing to such conflicts.


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