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Abednego announces establishment of elections committees in 10 states

Author: Charles Wote | Published: Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Abednego Akok, the Chairperson of the National Elections Commission - Photo Credit: Charles Wote/Eye Radio - June 19, 2024

The Chairperson of the National Elections Commission has announced the establishment of High Elections Committees for the ten states.

Professor Abednego Akok says each committee consists of five members including the Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson, and three other members.

The state Chairpersons are Alphayo Phillip Lako for Central Equatoria, Simon Bakama Monday for Western Equatoria, Abdallah Hassan Famai Adidi, Eastern Equatoria and Joseph Akuei Yak for Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

Others are Arkangelo Udo Angany for Western Bahr el Ghazal State, Jacob Anei Mayiel for Warrap State and Kot Kuocnin Kuer for Lakes State.

Tuor Majok Guech was named chairperson for Jonglei State while Peter Mayom Pur for Upper Nile and George Kuong Gattang for Unity State.

Professor Abednego says with the formation of the committees, the National Elections is now set to operationalize its activities across the country.

“Today, we are officially declaring that the state High elections Committees in the ten states are already established. Each state has five members, the chairperson and deputy, and three members all over the ten states five, five,” Abednego said.

“These offices are so important to use because much of the work of the elections will be conducted in the states,” he said.

The head of NEC commended the state governors for supporting the establishment of the offices but said the infrastructure will need to be renovated.

Asked about committees for the three administrative areas, Professor Abednego said he has yet to establish them.

“Those of Ruweng and Pibor and Abyei, we will appoint three people, one, one, one those who maybe like just elections representative in the state because each of them has a constituency or two,” the Chairperson of Elections Commission said.

“We don’t need much there but we need much in the states like Yambio which has about 14 counties or more.”  

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