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Armed thugs rob valuables from church in WES

Author: Garang Kuol Mamer | Published: Friday, June 14, 2024

Map of Western Equatoria State. | Courtesy.

Some armed robbers raided an evangelical church in Yambio of Western Equatoria State on Thursday evening, looting some mobile phones and cash, according to Yambio Commissioner.

Mbiko Barakat said the four men – two of whom were carrying firearms, broke into the diocesan church at 7:30 PM and stole 100,000 South Sudanese pounds and two mobile phones.

“In the church called CEEC, four people, two were armed, broke into the church premises and took 100,000 SSP and two phones that was the first accident then second accident by the same people,” the commissioner narrated the incident to Eye Radio.

The same burglars attempted to rob a nearby house, when the owner – an aid worker identified as Mario Ngbari wrestled one of them and got hold of his gun.

In a botched attempt to rescue his colleague, another robber opened fire at Ngbari, but the bullet missed him and hitting the seized colleague.

A second bullet hit Ngbari, breaking his right arm. The incident happened in Naagori Residential Area.

“They also entered to a compound of Mario Ngbari implementing World Vision project in Makpandu. Four people entered into his compound and one of them put him on gun point.

“He catches the gun and they begin to fight, but the second person who was having a gun start shooting at them. Ngbari was the luckiest person, as he was the target but that person shot his colleagues with two bullets.”

“Then the second bullets was the one who caught Ngbari in the left hand and broke the right arm.”

Commissioner Barakat said the robbers who first fled returned and took away their injured colleague.

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