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CES introduces digital land registry system

Author: Madrama James | Published: Sunday, August 13, 2023

A computer displaying maps of residential areas in Juba. (Photo: CES press)

Central Equatoria State government has introduced a Digital Land Registry system to curb land fraud in Juba and its surrounding areas.

Fred Laku, the Minister of Land, Housing, and Public Utility Fred Laku said Friday the state government is committed to expediting the digitization of all land-related processes.

“Today marks the beginning of the launching of the Digital Land Registry, which the Ministry of Housing is proud to announce to the public,” he said during the launch.

“The Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities has completed the master plan as you can see, for Juba City and its surrounding.”

Meanwhile, Minister Laku calls on Juba City residents to cooperate with the ministry on plots designation and upgrading of residential areas.

Laku further announced the completion of land allocation to new owners in the Moroyok Residential Area.

Speaking to the media, he says the ministry is allocating plots in Korok-west and reopening Gudele Block 9 Residential Area.

“In collaboration with Kator block authorities, the Ministry has upgraded Kator and Atalabara Residential Areas from 4th to 3rd class.”

“Your Excellency (Adil), the Ministry has so far completed the showing of Moroyok Residential Area to the rightful owners as per the plan of the Ministry, we’re now organizing the showing of Korok-West plus the opening of Gudele block 9 Residential Area.”

Speaking during the launch, Governor Emmanuel Adil said his leadership would extend the digital system in other four towns within the state.

“We’re now digital, come here and see what we’ve done, and the Ministry is going to do. I know their challenges but we’re going to overcome these challenges together with you,” Adil told the media.

“Special to expand this system. I totally agree to have a digital system in Yei, Terekeka possibly Kajo-Keji, and even Kaya town because we need to upgrade.”

Previous media reports have indicated conflicts related to land grabbing and unlawful allotment of land in the capital Juba.

In 2021, Juba Commissioner Charles Joseph Wani described the phenomenon as an organized crime.

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