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Govt launches final phase of Naam River cleaning

Author: Michael Daniel | Published: Friday, June 28, 2024

A river barge carries an excavator clearing aquatic weeds on the Naam river. (Video-captured image from SSBC).

South Sudan government with support from Egypt has resumed clearing of the remaining 15.5 kilometers of the Naam river from Unity State to Lake No as the project alleged to mitigate flooding draws to an end.

South Sudan’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Pal Mai Deng said the initiative, which aims to enhance river navigation, mitigate flood risks, and improve overall watercourse efficiency, is 80% complete, SSBC reported.

Minister Mai and his Egyptian counterpart, Hani Sewiam and Egyptian ambassador to South Sudan Mohamed Moataz, inaugurated the second phase of the project in Bentiu on Wednesday.

“We have found that the project has created positive impacts on the lives of people impacts reported such as the creation of is women in space for the people, navigation and fishing industry,” Mai told state television.

“So the community is better appreciated with the service that the cleaning and clearing project has created. We are very thankful to the Minister of Water Resources, Dr. Hani Sewilam for the support.”

Minister Hani Sewilam highlighted the progress made, emphasizing that half of the targeted stretch had already been cleared, by the undisclosed Egyptian grant.

He underscored the enduring bilateral relations between Egypt and South Sudan, particularly in water resources management.

On his part, Acting Unity State Governor Tor Tunguar said the project has had positive impacts on flood prevention and river navigation, which are vital for the mobility and livelihoods of South Sudanese citizens.

Mr. Tunguar said the state government has formed a Flood Task Force, which has started upgrading dikes, in collaboration with UNMISS and development partners.



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