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Govt signs $33 million climate resilience funding

Author: Obaj Okuj | Published: Friday, May 3, 2024

Environment Minister Josephine Napwon and World Vision Country Director Mesfin Loha sign the agreement in Juba. May 2, 2024. (Photo: Obaj Okuj).

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in collaboration with World Vision and the United Nations Development Program, has signed a $33 million agreement for a climate resilience initiative in Northern Bahr el Ghazal.

It was signed under the banner of the Watershed Approaches for Climate Resilience in Agro-pastoral Landscapes (WACRESS).

The project, aims to strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities against climate change impacts while simultaneously rejuvenating ecosystems.

Supported financially by the Global Environment Facility, the project, totaling $33,392,335, will be implemented in Aweil Centre and Aweil East within Northern Bahr el Ghazal State.

It includes 10 million US dollars donated by the Global Environment Facility, and the other 23 million, which is a joint contribution from UNDP, the government of South Sudan, World Version and other partners.

Spanning from March 2024 to December 2028, its implementation endeavors to benefit over 75,000 individuals and rehabilitate more than 15,000 hectares of land.

By harnessing the collective expertise of the National Ministry of Environment and Forestry, World Vision, UNDP, and local communities, the project aims to reestablish and fortify market connections and agricultural value chains.

Dominic Sam, UNDP residence representative said the initiative is significant in empowering communities by enhancing their livelihoods.

“We are truly honored to partner with the government of South Sudan and UNDP to implement this flagship project for climate resiliencies,” he said.

“It is a significant and very important project for South Sudan. It is an exemplary project for other countries in the region even based on what South Sudan is facing from climate change related impact which is very significant.”

The deal will further enable implementing agencies to aid communities in adopting gender-responsive, climate-smart agricultural practices and diversify livelihoods through hands-on, farmer-field-based approaches.

In a press conference held in Juba on Thursday, Josephine Napwon, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, emphasized the project’s significance.

“The project implementation will be in Aweil Centre and Aweil East in Northern Bahr El-Ghazal state,” she said.

“It will introduce smart agriculture strategies to the people of the area to increase the agriculture production and enhance their livelihoods. We hope to replicate and scale up this project to other states when funds are acquired.”

Dr. Mesfin Loha, Country Director of World Vision, highlighted the project’s objectives to mitigate the impact of climate change, hunger, and malnutrition on children and vulnerable populations by empowering South Sudanese communities to embrace climate-smart strategies.

“The focus extends to resilience agriculture and food value change where we are implementing climate smart practices to mitigate crops failure risk and enhance food security and economic independence with 5000 individuals approximately.”

“Additionally, the project will actively engage in community-based natural resources management. It is seeking to add value to 15,000 acres of land through sustainable land and water management practices.”

The WACRESS Project is slated for its national launch on May 14, 2024, followed by an inception workshop in Aweil, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, from May 21-23, 2024.




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