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Juba commissioner deploys force to Molubur after killings

Author: Alhadi Hawari | Published: Thursday, June 27, 2024

Juba Commissioner Ezbon Tete speaks to the media. (-)

The Commissioner of Juba County has confirmed the deployment of soldiers to Molubur Boma of Lado Payam where three women and a child were killed on Tuesday.

Emmanuel Ezbon Tete visited the area on Wednesday together with a national member of parliament a from Northern Bari, Thomas Gore, and the security coordinator for Luri and Ladu Payams.

During the visit, Commissioner Tete expressed the government’s commitment to ensure safety and security of the local population.

Tete announced that the government will demolish every structure built by the land grabbers in the area.

He further warned individuals buying land from land grabbers to desist from the act and advised plot seekers to follow the right procedures.

“The security situation here is calm and is under control after we deployed soldiers yesterday from different organized forces under the command of a colonel,” the commissioner said.

“Today, we brought a joint operation to provide security and to monitor movement between the two payams. I came here last Thursday and I met with the youth and I told them that nobody should provoke the situation.”

Meanwhile, the head chief of Ladu Payam, Beda Elia Tongun said the security situation in the area has improved after the force deployment.

He urged the government to look into the issue of land-grabbing to prevent further bloodshed.

“The government at all levels should look into this issue of land grabbing, look into it seriously and this is my point, because we lost more than ten or thirteen people due to this issue of land grabbing.”

“Why always when the government see that people kill each other and then it will intervene, let’s prevent the crime before it happens.”



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