3rd July 2024
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MP urges Unity State, Ruweng authorities to hold peace dialogue

Author: Nyathong William | Published: Monday, July 1, 2024

Scenes of torched shelters following violence along Unity State-Ruweng Administrative Area border. (Photo: Sudans Post/Social media).

A national lawmaker is appealing to authorities in Unity State and Ruweng Administrative Area to initiate peace dialogue to heal wounds of inter-communal violence and stop further cross-border bloodshed.

Riak Manyiel Ayuel, an MP representing Ruweng in the National Assembly, made the call after violent clashes erupted between armed men along the border areas.

Eye Radio reports citing local authorities and UNMISS accounts – indicate that fighting flared up on 23rd June – when officials from Rubkona of Unity travelled to Aliny in the neighboring Ruweng Administrative Area to receive cattle stolen from their communities.

Conflicting narratives surround the start of the conflict but as authorities traded accusations over the incident that led to the death of a dozen people.

Lawmaker Manyiel called on communities in both regions to exercise calm and urged their governments to start a peace process as soon as possible.

He said the agricultural season is approaching and further violence will exacerbate the looming hunger situation being felt in the two neighboring areas.

“I appeal to the officials of Unity State to stop the youth of Unity State within their borders,” he said in an interview with Eye Radio.

“I also appeal to the Ruweng administration to do the same and for the people to start the peace process as soon as possible because the country is heading into the agricultural season and raining season.”

“We do not want more tensions. Also, there is hunger looming on the horizon, so we don’t want problems in light of this bad economic situation.”

Following this incident, UNMISS said violence erupted in several other areas and tensions were high on both sides of the border due to further mobilization of armed youth.

As a result, civilians in Pariang, in the north of Unity state reportedly moved away from the town due to fears of retaliatory attacks.

The UN Mission appealed to national and local authorities to ensure armed youth refrain from further cross-border fighting and restore calm in the affected areas.



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