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Parliament adjourns sitting as summoned ministers jet to Cairo with Kiir

Author: Obaj Okuj | Published: Monday, November 6, 2023

Members of the national parliament (Photo by - / AFP)

The National Legislative Assembly adjourned Monday’s sitting over the absence of summoned national ministers who had traveled with President Salva Kiir to Egypt on Sunday.

The adjourned session, in which several ministers were expected to appear, was to address an urgent motion regarding the depreciation of South Sudan Pounds against the US dollar.

The summoned officials are the Minister of Finance and Planning Dr. Barnaba Bak Chol, Minister of Trade and Industry, the Governor of the Bank of South Sudan Dr. James Alic Garang, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs James Pitia Morgan.

The foreign minister was to address the parliament on the security concerns along the South Sudan and Uganda border in Kajo-Keji County.

The parliament had also intended to summon the Minister of Humanitarian and Disaster Management to address the issues related to the influx of returnees from Ethiopia and neighboring countries.

However, the sitting had to be adjourned as the concerned ministers accompanied President Salva Kiir on a state-visit to Cairo.

Hon. John Agany, the spokesperson of the parliament and the head of information Committee spoke to the reporters shortly after the adjournment.

“Today, the agendas were postponed because a number of Ministers have traveled with His Excellency the President Yesterday to Egypt.”

“So, for that matter all the agendas was adjourned as soon as the ministers who have gone with His Excellency the President, when they come back this will table as soon as they arrived.”

Last week, Parliament did not hold any session due to the death of one of its distinguished members.

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