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Rubkona, Ruweng trade blames over deadly cattle-related violence

Author: Michael Daniel | Published: Sunday, June 23, 2024

Crime barricade tape. | Courtesy.

Several people were killed and others injured in fighting involving armed men from Rubkona County and Ruweng Administrative Area as authorities from both areas traded accusations for the incident which occurred during the handing over of stolen cattle.

Rubkona Commissioner, James Clement Juol, claimed his delegation was attacked after he received 41 of about 2,400 cattle raided on June 16, allegedly by youth from Parieng County in Ruweng.

According to media reports, armed youth launched multiple raids in nine cattle camps of Rioriak Payam in Rubkona – which highlights ongoing cattle-related conflicts in the region.

Commissioner Juol, in his press statement, said days of dialogue with the Ruweng administrative government resolved that the latter must return the cattle to their owners.

Mr Juol said he led a delegation to Payangay North on Saturday after a phone call from Ruweng authorities that they had collected 42 cattle from the youth.

He alleged that as the handing-over discussion took place, youth and soldiers from Parieng started shooting, resulting in casualties.

“After handing over discussions was going, youth and soldiers who brought the cattle from Parieng started shooting leading to many injuries and one of our owners of the raided cattle lost his life.”

When contacted by Eye Radio on Sunday, James Arop Ayuel, the Acting Minister of Information in the Ruweng Administrative Area dismissed the allegations.

“What happened is not what the Commissioner of Rubkona County has alleged. He was not ambushed,” Arop said.

“How can the youth bring back the recovering cattle hand over to you and then attack you? This is fabrication I think the Commissioner of Rubkona County should be answerable for this.”

Mr. Arop confirmed that youth from Ruweng had first raided from Rubkona County, leading to the intervention of the administrative government to recover the animals.

“The government of Ruweng decided to look for those raiders and it managed to bring back 41 head of cattle, then established communication with the authority of Rubkona County to hand over the recovered cows.”

According to Arop, the youth from Rubkona, after receiving the cattle, returned and launched an attack on a neighbouring Payam headquarters – killing its executive director and wounding others.

“After successfully handing over in a short time, the youth who received the cattle came back and attacked the Payam headquarters and killed the executive director who was the head of the Parieng team.”

The official later said in a press statement that 12 people were killed in the attack including officers of the national police, national security and civilians.

During the swearing ceremony of the newly appointed Unity State governor and Ruweng chief administrator on May 2024, President Kiir directed the two officials to actively work towards advancing peace and security in the region.

According to the president’s office, Kiir also called for coordinated efforts to eradicate cattle raiding and ensure services to their populations.

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