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South Sudan reviews SDG16 on peace, justice and strong institutions

Author: Garang Kuol Mamer | Published: Friday, June 21, 2024

A two-day workshop to review SDG16 in Juba. June 20, 2024. (-)

Vision for Generation organization has a Consultative National Review on SDG16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions attended by government agencies and civil society as part of the general review to be presented at the General Assembly in New York later this month.

Pia Philip Michael, the Undersecretary in the Ministry of Peacebuilding, said the year 2024 will be the first time for South Sudan to have a presentation on SDGs to the United Nations General Assembly.

In 2017, South Sudan customized the SDGs that seeks a lasting political resolution to the conflict and building a peaceful, just and inclusive society, as the most urgent and widely expressed priority of country.

The county’s framework highlighted the need to restoring security among communities in the quickest way to increase school attendance, boost agricultural productivity, facilitate access to markets, and achieve more inclusive economic growth among others.

Speaking during the opening of National Voluntary Review on SDG 16 in Juba on Friday, Mr. Pia said the government is looking at how far peace and justice has been achieved.

“It is a year for us to take talk on how far we have come and how far we are to go in terms of building justice among our people, peace and strong institutions but we accept there have been challenges in achieving it,” he said.

“Nobody is against justice, nobody is against peace and there is nobody against strong institutions. But I don’t know how many years we can give ourselves. However, as soon as our economy stabilizes, I believe we will lift from there.”

In March 2024, the National Ministry of Finance and Planning announced the conduct of the first Voluntary National Review on progress made in attaining the UN SDGs.

Deputy Finance Minister Agok Makur said the review will focus on SDG targets including zero hunger, good health and wellbeing, quality education, and climate change mitigation.

Others are peace, justice and strong institutions, gender equality, decent work and economic growth and Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.

On his part, Taban Christopher, Executive Director of Vision for Generation said the organization is conducting the review on SDG 16 to address key areas of interest which are essential in accessing equal justice.

He said the review focuses on progress, opportunities and challenges as well as having evidenced-based data in achieving an inclusive peace process.

“The Voluntary National Review especially on sustainable Development Goal 16 is very important because it addresses one of the eminent areas of interest,” said Taban.

“When we talk about inclusive peace, peace is very important because it touches and addresses the issue of justice, which is eminent to everybody and therefore SDG 16 also strongly looks at having strong institutions.”

“When we speak about institutions, we needs to looks the level of polices, the relevance of the policies, and the implementation process of policies.”



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