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World Bank project aiding 700,000 vulnerable South Sudanese ends

Author: Koang Pal Chang | Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The outside view of the admission ward in Madebe PHC in Eba County constructed by UNOPS under the ECRP Project.

World Bank South Sudan announced the end of a four-year project that transformed the livelihoods of more than 700,000 vulnerable South Sudanese.

According to a press statement sent to Eye Radio newsroom, the 45 million US dollar project bringing about significant positive change, comes to an end in July 2024.

“The project results have brought about significant positive change, benefiting over 700,000 community members in all ten states of South Sudan,” the statement stated.

“They have improved access to basic infrastructure, strengthened community institutions, and transformed livelihoods in the communities,” the statement added.

The implementation of the project which was launched in August 2020, covers 20 selected counties across the country.

They include Pibor, Leer, Rubkona, Pariang, Wau, Raja, Jur River, Maban, Renk, Fashoda, Baliet, Kapoeta North, Rumbek Centre, Wulu, Aweil East, Aweil North, Tonj North, Ezo, Ibba, and Juba.

The acting Chairperson of the Local Government, Malony Anei, stated that the completion of the different physical infrastructures has left impactful traces of services and development in many communities across South Sudan.

According to Firas Raad, the World Bank Country Manager for South Sudan, the project has addressed the immediate need for essential services and strengthened local institutions’ capacity across the country.

He added that the project has also contributed to the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly by responding to the impact of multiple and interlocking crises facing the communities across South Sudan.

Despite some challenges, John Nyerenda, the overall Senior Project Manager from UNOPS, said the project met its set objectives.

He stated that they have handed over 345 complete physical infrastructures to the government, benefiting thousands of community members in the 20 South Sudan locations, primarily women.

Nyirenda stressed that UNOPS and IOM completed the construction of 33 primary school blocks, 31 health facilities, 258 water facilities, 11 market sheds, nine community access roads, and four community youth centres and built the capacity of 453 Development Committees at Boma and Payam level.

After completing each project in every location across the country, UNOPS and IOM handed over all infrastructure to the Government at different intervals.

The 45 million US dollar project funded by the World Bank has been successfully implemented by UNOPS and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on behalf of the Government.

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